What's New

Updates and latest news from TaskAnyone.

Apr 25, 2024

User groups module for intranet users.

Mar 30, 2024

Admin Reports module for intranet users.

Dec 30, 2023

Sign-offs. Designate a manager who must sign off on tasks after they have been completed.

Oct 30, 2021

Customize your columns. Select 2 or more folders at once. Send a single email when generating tasks from a template.

Sep 22, 2019

TaskAnyone 3.0 upgrade released. Major upgrade and restyling of the entire TaskAnyone product and website.

Sep 2, 2018

Updated the task list webpages to support all TaskAnyone functionality on iPads and iPods.

Apr 12, 2014

Added a new templating system that allows users to rapidly copy commonly used task lists.

Jan 8, 2013

Folder archival and improved task and account functionality launched.

July 7, 2011

Now you can import new tasks from tables made in programs like Excel. A quick and easy way to input your templates.

June 8, 2010

Added a new "On Hold" priority for tasks.

Aug 1, 2008

TaskAnyone 2.0 Launched. TaskAnyone 2.0 contains an update for nearly every page in TaskAnyone. Expanded Ajax and Web 2.0 functionality and page reorganization has greatly enhanced our user experience.

May 8, 2008

TaskAnyone Intranet Launched. TaskAnyone Intranet now allows users to bring the power of TaskAnyone to their internal corporate network.

March 29, 2008

TaskAnyone Public Folders. New "public folders" feature launched in TaskAnyone. Allows users to create a url with a read-only view into their folders that they can give to clients so they can view tasks without logging in.

January 25, 2008

Checklist 3.8 Launched. Checklist now offers the ability to "work offline" on your TaskAnyone tasks.

August 1, 2007

Checklist 3.7 Launched. Checklist's interface into the TaskAnyone system has now been streamlined to facilitate user adoption.

March 20, 2007

Task Solutions Reseller System launched.

March 14, 2007

TaskAnyone Reccuring Tasks. TaskAnyone updated with our #1 requested feature, reccuring tasks!

March 4, 2007

Checklist 3.6 Launched. The latest version of Checklist now has a "search" functionality. The interface between Checklist and TaskAnyone has also been improved.

December 15, 2006

Checklist 3.5 Launched. Checklist 3.5 can now connect to the TaskAnyone service to allow you to access your TaskAnyone tasks without using a web browser. Also added several new features including sorting, one of our most requested functions.

July 25, 2006

TaskAnyone Launched. Announcing the launch of our new TaskAnyone service. Send a task by email and we make it easy to follow-up until they follow-through!

March 26, 2006

Checklist 3.0 Launched. Checklist 3.0 brings a much needed update to our 3 year old Checklist product.

What our users say...

"I've been using TaskAnyone for over 2 years and can't imagine my day going without it a single hour. My business depends on me performing tasks on time and TaskAnyone makes it easy!"

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  • Task tracking within small teams.
  • Assigning tasks to 3rd parties.
  • Tasks across departments.
  • Tracking personal tasks.

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